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"I wanted to share my experience because something peculiar and beautiful has happened.  Today May 30th, I woke up and remembered, "I have BodyTalk today Yeiiiyy!"
When I got to the office, I felt my face automatically go into smile mode (usually when I get to her office).  Then someone asked me: "I am thinking about starting BodyTalk sessions; how has your experience been?"
I began to share my story and how BodyTalk has completely changed my life, and each day it changes more and more in an extremely POSITIVE way. 
With so much pride, I was able to share that I no longer suffer from severe mood changes, how I can identify what is actually bothering me, and have been able to let go of past trauma, most triggers caused by past experiences.  Most of all, I have learned how to live NOW, here in the present, and to know within me that all experiences - the "good" and "bad" help us to know ourselves as human beings.  We are creating our lives, making decisions that affect our lives, and how what is outside of us affects us if we allow it. 
Then I was left thinking how grateful I am not only for choosing Bodytalk as a therapy - it is wonderful - but also, I am thankful for Sandra.  She is genuine, honest, and how her vibration of love is contagious at the moment when it is most needed. 
I super recommend BodyTalk.  It is a direct connection with your body, mind, spirit, and essence.... and that is what permits you to get to know yourself and your aspirations in life. 
"THANK YOU.  THIS DAY HAS BEEN ONE OF A BEAUTIFUL TEACHINGS WHICH SPONTANEOUSLY AROSE FROM WITHIN ME." Gabriella T., San Salvador, El Salvador, May 2013. This was a public facebook post. 



Smiling Portrait


"You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment."
~Henry David Thoreau

Spontaneous Awareness

from the Wisdom ​

of your Heart





​office:  Central America, El Salvador â€‹â€‹â€‹

​Working Worldwide online​

Bilingual English Spanish​

In practice since 2011

Rest, heal, awaken naturally.

Your unique healing journey is my priority 


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