THE BODYTALK SYSTEM™ is a holistic body-mind healing therapy. It identifies the unique, priority causes of your condition and addresses symptoms.
It is gentle yet profound, innovative, and effective.
Your unique healing journey is our priority.
Sunshine, Movement, and Nature​
Get some sunshine!
The sun is an excellent source of natural Vitamin D and the premier immune and mood booster.
Go out in nature
It can be your garden or patio. Ten minutes a day is enough, and you can open a window, even when a bit cold.
If you do not have a garden or access to nature, opt for guided meditations that take you to your nature-filled peaceful place.
Do things you love even while indoors.
Exercise outside
Go for a walk if you are not in quarantine.
Go to the beach
Good Nutrition and Supplements​
Drink water
Eat and anti-inflammatory diet as much as possible, easy to Google.
Avoid junk food as much as you can.
Take essential vitamins, from nutrition of if you can, the vegetable-based vitamins ones you can get Whole Foods. Your body absorbs natural foods better than processed ones. If you can't, then add a multi-vitamin. Consult with your doctor.
Taking the recommended vitamins:
Vitamin D3, Vitamin D from sun, Zinc
Vitamin C, and you can get from natural sources too. Lemons. Yet, taking a supplement is good too, and ginger is excellent for the immune system and digestion.
Always check with your doctor before you add any supplement.
NOTE: Do not overwhelm your body with too many supplements, or at least take them at different times of the day so your body will absorb them well. Too many supplements can also confuse your digestion and work against your health.