THE BODYTALK SYSTEM™ is a holistic body-mind healing therapy. It identifies the unique, priority causes of your condition and addresses symptoms.
It is gentle yet profound, innovative, and effective.
Your unique healing journey is our priority.
BodyTalk is safe for the whole family and your child of any age. You will notice changes in your child, especially with such conditions as hyperactivity, not paying attention in school, fears, and other emotional or psychological situations your child may be going through.
BodyTalk can also address issues within your family as a whole. Families are always an interdependent combination of emotional, psychological, generational, and energetic relationships that will improve with BodyTalk Family Matrix Sessions. Only one person from the family needs to come to the sessions. However, if more than one person from a family unit decides to receive sessions, healing is doubled. Specific interactions and issues may come up as a priority. You and your whole family will benefit.
Some Conditions for which families seek BodyTalk
Adopted children, adaptation, and healing abandonment.
General School Stress
Healing abandonment issues in general
Autism and other developmental conditions
Focus in School
Social Adaptability and Stress
Divorce and its effect on your child
Recovery of physical injuries
School Stress, Teenage Stress
All conditions and diseases
Childhood diabetes, complementary healing, if the child is under Doctor approved treatment.
Families as a whole
Psychological family dynamics
Death of a family member
Healing and palliative care for the prolonged illness of a family member and family adaptation.
The sudden illness of family member and family-adaptation
Family Trauma
A family move, relocation
Financial Issues within Family
Separation and Divorce
Alcoholism and other addictions
Emotional and Physical Abuse
and more.